
secrets sounds

Sound is everywhere to find

Two agents from an eccentric agency enter the classroom. Without warning, they begin to examine the room – the objects, as well as the people who so happen to be there – according to its acoustic phenomenons and quirky sounds. Sounds are reviewed and inspected according to their audibility, acoustic color and rhythmical use. Chairs are jiggled, ruler melodies generated, even the blackboard squeals! Little by little, the audience is drawn into the sound experiment. The classroom is transformed into a magical place where at the end of the piece, everyone is making music together.
Lauschangriff opens the ears, makes us aware of the sounds around us and the possibility to turn everyday objects into music and musical instruments. Nothing sounds the way it sounds but rather, sounds the way we hear it and the way we want to experience it.
  • Production: Nathional Theater Mannheim
  • Creation and Idea:: Pilkentafel/Flensburg Theater with texts from Oskar Pastior
  • Staging: Andrea Gronemeyer
  • My role: Actor, Musician
  • Actor: Simone Oswald
  • Musical concept : Johannes Gaudet
  • Photos by : Christian Kleiner
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