SOLI-D-ARRÊTER explores physical, psychological and communication borders, our different layers, artificiality, emotional boundaries. It analyzes the body as primary meeting point and as a place where we are all connected. With our body we experience and mirror emotions and thoughts from the beings around us.
I was commissioned as composer for the score. The entire soundscape is built around the Hang drum.
Ego is the first part of the new trilogy from La_Trottier Dance Collective: „Mensch“. Our existence as humans on this earth is a theme that concerns us all. Between birth and death, we are confronted with complex processes of development and incarnation which change in accordance to our genetic, ecological, social and cultural factors. Trottier reflects on the development of human self-confidence in confrontation with the evolution of his artistic work.
I was commissioned to compose and direct the live music, together with Steffen Dix and Martin Lejeune
Das Spielzeug schlägt zurück!
„Das Spielzeug schlägt zurück!“ is a piece based on improvisation: 5 actors, 1 musician and 1 lighting designer improvise with toys brought in by the young audience.
Concept by: Nils Petter Mørland