my own echo chamber (long version)

a multimedia performance

The access to excess

Throughout human history, rituals have defined cultures, connected communities, marked important events in our lives – given our life meaning. As digital communication increasingly overwhelms us, we see real human connection fading away. If access to this digital world becomes our modern day ritual, where does that leave us and our sense of community? In private echo chambers listening to the resonance of our own voice?
This performance was created in cooperation with the EinTanzHaus Mannheim and the support of the Kulturamt and the Esser Stiftung
  • Concept : Georgia Begbie and Peter Hinz
  • Creation: Kollektiv Synchron
  • Production space : Eintanzhaus Mannheim
  • Duration : 55 min
  • Dancer and performer: Georgia Begbie
  • Performer: Peter Hinz
  • Music and performer: Giovanni Cristino
  • Visual design and performer : Antonio Pipolo
  • Photos: Lys Y Seng

