SOLI-D-ARRÊTER explores physical, psychological and communication borders, our different layers, artificiality, emotional boundaries. It analyzes the body as primary meeting point and as a place where we are all connected. With our body we experience and mirror emotions and thoughts from the beings around us.
I was commissioned as composer for the score. The entire soundscape is built around the Hang drum.

Ego is the first part of the new trilogy from La_Trottier Dance Collective: „Mensch“. Our existence as humans on this earth is a theme that concerns us all. Between birth and death, we are confronted with complex processes of development and incarnation which change in accordance to our genetic, ecological, social and cultural factors. Trottier reflects on the development of human self-confidence in confrontation with the evolution of his artistic work.
I was commissioned to compose and direct the live music, together with Steffen Dix and Martin Lejeune

Two humans meet: one communicates through movement, the other through sound. Together, they discover that movement creates sound, and percussion is movement. Without words, they tell a magical story of discovery and connection.
A celebration of dance and music as universal languages, this piece won the Faust Award in 2014 for Best Children’s and Youth Theater.
Production: Nationaltheater Mannheim
My role: Actor, Musician, Composer
Director: Andrea Gronemayer
Choreography/Dancer: Julie Pecard
Photos: Christian Kleiner

König Hamed
König Hamed was a co-production of Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim and Teatro Alexandria, I-act. The project aimed to create a piece based on an Arabic fairy tale: König Hamed und das furchtlose Mädchen. The story playfully examines and challenges traditional gender roles as seen in our society.
Production: Nationaltheater Mannheim
Director: Andrea Gronemayer
My role: Actor, Musician, Composer
Actors: Uwe Topman, Cedric Pintarelli
Storyteller: Mohamed El Hagrasi
Photos: Christian Kleiner
Two eccentric scientists burst into a classroom, exploring its acoustic quirks—from rattling chairs to squealing blackboards. Gradually, the audience joins their sound experiment, transforming the room into a space where everyone makes music together.
Lauschangriff opens ears to the hidden world of sound, turning everyday objects into instruments and showing how perception shapes what we hear.
Production: Nationaltheater Mannheim
Idea: Pilkentafel/Flensburg Theater, with texts by Oskar Pastior
Staging: Andrea Gronemeyer
My role: Actor, Musician
Actor: Simone Oswald
Musical Concept: Johannes Gaudet
Photos: Christian Kleiner